Thursday 23 January 2014

Blog purpose, and OOP

Hello all!
I am a CS student studying at the University of Toronto. Now, I've never written a blog before, I hardly ever been on a blog either, so this is very new to me. Nonetheless, it has been required by my Professor for my Introduction to Computer Science Course to write a blog of my very own!

Now for most of the time, I'll probably just be ranting about my lack of understanding of some material. I may even write about how I spent 3 hours the night before my assignments are due, trying to write a single method. However there will be three posts where I will be specifically writing about one key element of programming in python, indicated by my Professor. So without further ado, let the inaugural blog about my CS class begin with one of the three mandatory ones, Object Oriented Programming! (OOP)

So to begin with, what exactly is Object Oriented Programming? (OOP, is how I will refer to it from now on, as I am too lazy to continuously write that out) Simply put, it is a method of programming, where instead of just creating code that serves a single purpose to any arbitrary piece of data, you create entire objects that have their own unique data that can only be explicitly modified by the methods within the constraints of the Class of the object. In a sense it's like fusing both code and data into one entity that can't be modified by some arbitrary code. This however doesn't mean that once you create an object, it is completely separated and isolated from all of it's object peers, it is possible to also extend an object through the use of "combining" it with another object, in a sense of sub-classing the object. In this manner you create objects that have their own individual meanings and constraints, but have the capacity to be accessed and be manipulated by superiors, or super-classes of the object. OOP is a great method that allows clear and concise programming which can be easily maintained and tracked through the exclusivity of each independent object, allowing one to also have a greater understanding of their work, due to the creation of every object and of the decisions related to sub-classing all managed by the programmer himself. In short, OOP is a simple and effective method of programming that is capable of evolving the most minor of programs or objects, into grand and elaborate, yet simple to understand programs.

This is what OOP is to my knowledge, if any of this is wrong I apologize to my readers, I am a first year student after all.

That pretty much wraps it up for my inaugural post. Hope you guys enjoyed reading, and cringed for less than half of the post.

-Just a first year CS student.